Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Did you live at 73 London Street too?

For 3 years 73 London St was my flat in Dunedin and I have fond memories of that place. It was also the place where we had our homegroup meetings. Every Friday night 40 or 50 people would cram into the living room for worship and then we would break up into smaller groups for bible study in different rooms of the house. After that it would be time for supper and everyone would always hang around talking until after midnight.
If you lived at London St or you went to the homegroup there and you're reading this, leave a comment and say where you are now.


taiwan xifu said...

no, but i lived on ching nian 1st road. we should make t-shirts for that too! :)

keep up the blogging!

Wayne Grimsey (Grimmo) said...

Hi Bryce.

Yep. I was in the homegroup during 2002 until it finished in 2004. Actually flatted at 73 London Street last year with Louisa and Dave before getting married. Dave's folks have sold the house and are now living in the UK. Dave is in Chch and I still email him occasionally.I have a blogspot at


Anonymous said...

I am Julia Cole. My Parents built 73 London St when I was seven years old. I am now 75 and live in the USA. I was pleased to see how my home is being used in a meaningful way I wouldlike to hear more about the house.