Wednesday, 11 April 2007


My family and I went to Rotorua at Easter. Rotorua is a small city in a geothermal area of New Zealand. My sister and her family moved there about a year ago so we got to vist them and I saw my very first nephew for the first time. His name's Zak and he was born in November last year. While in Rotorua we checked out some of the geothermal attractions. Lots of boiling mud, steaming vents and geysers. Some people call Rotorua "Rotten Rua" because of the smell of sulphur in the air. We visited a Maori village where they use the natural thermal springs for cooking food, and bathing. We also got to see a Maori cultural performance and I was picked from the audience to join in with the haka. It wasn't so embarrassing as they picked about 10 people to join in.

This was all very fun but I still needed some action and adventure to complete the trip. So I tried zorbing. A zorb (see pic) is a large thick balloon inside a larger balloon. The "zorbonaut" is thrown into the zorb along with a bucketfull of water and then rolled down a hill. They emerge at the bottom soaking wet. It was a great experience, kind of like being on a hydroslide. If you want to know more go to




Anonymous said...

Bryce : Did u try the "zorb"?
How did it feel ?
I like those pics u
shared with us but
how come u dind't show
up?I mean, in those
of "Rotura"
N.Z is really
spectacular !!!
Show me more pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! A "shaking-buttom" Bryce. I've never seen you danced when you were in Taiwan. Show us next time!! Haha~
Hope everything goes well when you're back home. Enjoy your time with your family. Peace.

Andy Tung

Anonymous said...

I cant believe you tried this zorb thing, let me see another side of Bryce, hehe, still, next time try bumge jump, and I will take a photo of you.....