Even though the Celta was a very intensive course, I still had time to get out and see a bit of Chiang Mai at the weekends.
Having a foot spa before getting a shoulder and back massage. Thai massage is sometimes good, sometimes painful. This one was good.
Walking at the Sunday market
We did a one day trek which included elephant riding....
And some bamboo rafting
Our poor trainer, Theresa, fell in and got soaked!
OH Heee~~~
I am Jason Wang from Taiwan.
Say hello to you loh~
You made it, dude. The trekking was the most exciting thing in Ching-Mai.
i was just thinking yesterday how i need to email you, and then BAM! an email from you saying you have a blog! yay for you joining the blogging world. but don't let it fall into oblivion like your havago xanga! you gotta keep it going! :)
looks like you had a great time on your celta course! that makes me happy. btw, i'm going to thailand for qing ming jie - which ironically also happens to be easter weekend - we get a four day holiday. :)
so when do we get to see photos from NZ? post some soon of your life there. how does it feel to not live in taiwan anymore? i know you probably miss kaoh. ok, this comment is turning into an email, so i better stop. keep blogging!
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